My Mission to Serve Humanity, Part 1: Imprinted by the Divine--Symbols on the Palm n others

Last night somehow on YouTube I came across a video clip of a TV program from Taiwan which is about spirits/ghosts, supernatural phenomena, mediumship and things alike.

Towards the end of this episode, one of the panel specialists in the field revealed some symbols we may spot in one's palm which indicate that this person is assigned with a mission by the Divine-- to serve Humanity-- in his/her earthly life.

There are 3 common such symbols as shown in the photo below:

Left-- an eye symbol.

Middle-- a triangle symbol in the areas shown (below the little finger near the wrist or at/under the base of the middle finger.

Right-- a flag symbol.

And I have got them all:

On my right hand: 2 triangles under the base of the middle finger 

and an eye symbol.

On my left hand: A flag symbol and an eye symbol.

In the screenshop this specialist is saying (see the Chinese subtitle):

(Such people are assigned with a mission by the the Divine) to do things to benefit Humanity.

He also mentioned 2 features on the skull that indicate this person is assigned with such a mission by the the Divine:

1. The sutures of the skull feel like there is a gap between the bones.

2. It feels like you have got little 'horns'.

And I have got both--

It was only yesterday when I was feeling the gaps in my skull sutures and wondering about them.

Since I was little, my mother said I  am a real 'cow' (I was born in the year of cow in the Chinese zodiaology) because I have got 'horns' on my head.

Below is the link to the video:


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