Angelic Encounters (1)-- Angels to my rescue

I once lived in a town Pu-zi in the south of Taiwan. One day I made a trip to do something in a village nearby where I had to drive through a ricefield.

It was summer when there were thunderstorms in the afternoon. The roads in the ricefield did not have pavement and were muddy because of the wet weather.

Somehow I came to a dead end where I had to reverse to get out. I turned my head and back to watch behind while reversing, which was very uncomfortable. Noticing there was still a long way to go, I had an idea that I could just reverse, looking into the rear mirror, so I could save myself from tthat awkward and draining twisting, and so I did. I thought  my car was straight as I was driving straight forward, I reversed at a faster speed just to save time. Unfortunately, in just a few seconds I found I was getting close to a big water channel for irrigation. Immediately I applied the brake and got out of the car-- to find the rear right tyre on the muddy edge of the water channel, and one inch further I could be slipping into it!

I was literally 'stuck in the mud'! I was all by myself as it was past harvest season and not a soul was working on the ricefield. I wanted to ask for help in the village, but it was still a long distance away. I looked around, no one was there as far as my vision could reach. I was desperate. I got back in the car and started to pray: Oh, God, please help me. Please! Please! Please!

"Miss, do you need help?"
To my astonishment, a man was behind my car talkng to me! Instantly I jumped out of my car and walked towards the man, who was a bit tanned-- a common feature of farmers, slim, of medium height. Next to him there was a motorcycle.

"Yes! Yes!" I was incredibly excited to see him! I explained the dangerous situation my car was in.

"I will get someone to pull your car out. You can just get back in the car to wait," the man said. I thanked him and went back to sit in the car to wait.

In no time that man came back with  another man and a van behind my car. They set up everything, and the man with a motorcycle asked me to  reverse the car in full acceleration. Following his instruction, I got back in my car, took a deep breath,
"This is the moment-- here we go!"

The engines of both my car and the van were roaring, but the tyre remained stuck. I put my foot further down, feeling my car jerking twice, but it was still very stuck.

"Please, God, help me!" My heart was crying out for God's help, the engines roaring, the tyre spinning, cutting deeper into the mud, and the car still not moving!

"Please! God! Get it up! UP! UP!" My heart was crying out harder and louder-- the tyre did some more fast spinning and finally came off the muddy edge!

I can hardly describe how I was feeling at that moment, but you can imagine how relieved and thankful  I was!

While I was trying to return to the reality in my driver's seat, the man with a motorcycle said,
"Ok, everything is good now. We're going." I gave an instant response thanking them from inside the car, trying to pull myself together and get out of the car to say a big thank-you to them. To my greatest surprise, they had VANISHED! Yes, "VANISHED"! TOTALLY VANISHED! In just a few seconds they had disappeared from among the ricefield within my extensive vision, making no noise from the vehicles they were riding, leaving no trace of smoke. How possible could it be?

In later years, I read in angel books that angels could come to your rescue in a physical form-- they come to help you as normal people.

I totally believe that those two men were angels disguised in a human form. Nothing else could explain what had happened:

That man with a motorcycle seemed to have appeared from nowhere when he talked to me! Why didn't I hear his motorcycle? At least there should have been some noise from that motorcycle when he was getting close! How could he come to where I was so instantly from anywhere in the village during my short short prayer since just a minute before that I had not seen anyone in the open ricefield as far as my eyes could reach? And, after helping me, they just disappeared magically like that, making no sound, leaving no trace of smoke, and not travelling on the long road! How unbelievable, how mysterious and miraculous!

I thank God and the angels for looking after me. I am well-blessed. I am grateful. I praise and honour God. Amen.


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