Inspiring Figurines
Found these 2 figurines in an op shop in Newtown-- love the playfulness of the dog and the calmness/stillness of the cat. The dog looks very self-contented in an open-up position, probably licking its own tummy to make itself feel good. The cat, with its mouth not carved, sits still, serving as a good reminder of being calm and silent, simply observing and thinking. Whether active or still, playful or calm, we find our own comfort and satisfaction. That is happiness. 在雪梨Newtown 二手貨小店買了觸動我心的'自得其樂狗' 和"老神在在貓'。 四腳朝天,自得其樂的狗狗, 也許舔著自己的肚子, 舒服不已; 坐定不動,老神在在的貓咪,眼觀四方, 不動聲色, 也許腦子裏正盤算著什麽。 自得其樂的狗狗, 提醒我-- 時時自得其樂,快樂在自己的心中; 鎮定穩重的貓咪, 提醒我-- 嘴巴可以不存在, 觀察情況, 沈靜以對。 生活中動靜得宜, 自己舒服滿意, 就是幸福。 這對貓狗令我想起小學時音樂課本裏的壹首歌"歡喜與和氣": 我有只小黃狗名字叫歡喜, 妳有只小白貓名字叫和氣; 歡歡喜喜做朋友, 和和氣氣稱兄弟, 不論睡覺不論遊戲在壹起!