Jesus and I, Part II-- Jesus took me for a flying trip

One day in 1986, I was very sick-- I had a fever of 38.8 degrees C, feeling extremely weak and sleepy. I could not do anything but stay in bed, feeling miserable and helpless.

Even though I was sleeping the whole day (well, sometimes half asleep), it seemed that I could never get enough sleep. Fuzzy eyes, heavy head and eyelids but light limbs, and floppy all over!

I suffered for a day and a night. The next morning I still could not get out of bed. I skipped all the meals as I never felt hungry and was too weak to move, not to mention going to the dining room downstairs from level three where my room was!

Towards midday, suddenly, Jesus appeared in front of me! In his silence I felt his compassion and love. He gently took my hand and through telepathy asked me to follow him as he flew up.

Jesus led me through the canopy of a forest-- we were flying between tall trees with golden orange or yellow leaves. I felt so leisurely, relaxed and warm in my heart. I love the feeling of flying. I often had vivid flying dreams, but this time I was experiencing extraordinary calmness! That was a wonderful feeling!

Jesus was wearing medium long hair that was slightly curly, a beard, a white robe, no shoes. His robe was flapping a bit during the flight. We were flying and flying. For some time we went straight passing trees and the leaves were trembling and rustling in the wind as we whipped through; a few times we paused and landed on the branch. Sometimes Jesus and I were flying side by side, and other times he led in the front while I followed closely behind. At some stage we separated as Jesus hinted me to go back--

In the sky I turned to a lying position, spinning down slowly, slowly, and even more slowly... until I felt a 'click' as my body descending from the sky merged with the one in bed-- and then, I woke up!

Was that a dream or real? It felt like a dream yet so real-- my body spinning down from the sky and that was how I came back, yet there was my 'other body' in bed!*

I was amazed of what I had experienced! As I was savouring the halfly dreamy and halfly real flying trip and the warmth and love from Jesus, I sensed my fever dissipating-- my body was becoming cooler and cooler. I was becoming slightly sweaty, and in a couple of minutes the fever was completely gone! I reached for the thermometer and took my body temperature-- 36.8 degrees C, normal.

In no time I felt refreshed and so different-- I was able to walk around quite normally and my body seemed to have had all the pieces fitted well together. I had TOTALLY recovered! I went downstairs to drink some water, which would be impossible this morning or yesterday.

This is another miraculous experience I have had with Jesus, who is so kind, caring and loving and constantly watching over me!

I praise and honour Jesus in the name of God. Hallelujah!

 *At a latet stage I learnt that it was our astral body, a part of our soul, that goes out to travel or fly around, which is called 'astral travelling'.


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