Distant Healing-- Story 1: woman in Taiwan with breathing difficulties

Woman aged 57, lives in Taiwan, suffers from extremely high blood pressure episodes from time to time.  One night she made a Messenger video call to say that she had been experiencing breathing difficulties. She complained that she had been feeling very tight in the chest and around the neck, and her breaths were shallow.

I asked her to quiet down and breathe slowly. I also asked her to put her phone close to her heart as I placed my palm above the phone screen and directed energy to her heart. In about 3 seconds I felt warmth between the phone screen and my palm.

"Are you feeling your heart warming up?"I asked her.

"Yes, it's getting warmer and warmer. it feels nice!" She replied.

I gave her instructions to do some visulisation as I cleared the blockages in her chest and neck and filled her heart with light.

"Now breathe slowly and deeply and see how you feel." I said to her.

She took a few slow and deep breaths, and her eyes opened wide and lit up...

" Ohhh... I can breathe so much more easily now! It feels so good!!"

I told her she would feel even better over the next few days as the energy would continue to intergrate and work.

The next day she sent me a message:
"Thank you, I'm much better."


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