
Hands-on Healing (energy healing, touch or non-touching)

(Vidio of Dio playing happily pain-free after treatments) 《Treatment Story: Hands on Healing, (touching or non-touching)》 Dio, a nine-year-old Japanese Spitz, yelped in pain while changing position from sprawling resting to standing up. For some time he did't move around much but laid resting to avoid pain. After the first treatment, Dio could walk around as normal. After 3 treatments, Dio could play, chase his ball and jump around freely. It remained unknown whether Dio hurt his joints or had arthritis, but it is sure that Dio's pain is all gone and he is now well and happy, and what caused Dio's pain doesn't really matter anymore.  A few years ago, Dio also popped his knee of his right hind leg and was limping holding up his injured leg. Lily's Hands-on healing also worked marvelously and saved Dio's injured knee after a few treatments. Hands-on healing works magically with all kinds of ailments in mind- body-spirit, for human, animals and plants.  Consider ha


Inspiration Inspiration, bolts of lightning, Zapping,  Thrilling, Enlightening, Like a shooting star 'cross the dark sky, Lifting the spirit so high! A chill down the spine, Eyes opening, heart blooming,  Oh!! What a feeling, so fine!!! One plus one larger than two, So much more we can do! Exciting and juicy, Ah!! So delicious and tasty!! Ideas popping, Thought flowing,  Head buzzing,  Fingers itching, OMG,  How Enchanting! 13 Feb, 2021

Magical Massage

Magical Massage A new client contacted me for the very first time via WhatsApp text message to say he was looking for "magical massage" and he found me, and he wanted to book an appointment, which was indeed very interesting and exciting! I told him he had asked the right person for magical massage because that's what my clients have commented about me-- magic hands!😄⚡🙏⚡ Here are some of the clients' feedbacks commenting "magic", magical, amazing": I asked the client where he had looked and found me, and he said he looked at Gumtree and Google Map, and I was the winner (very encouraging n made me very proud! LOL) because I have "the best comments about my magic massage": The major complaint of this client was his neck. He said he couldn't move it because there was a lot of pain. I detected a big hard lump on his right side of neck, then started to work on 1. loosenin

Treatment Story: Balanced treatment is important

Treatment Story: Balanced treatment is important Is your chiro or physio actually helping you by treating ONLY the painful spot? I treated a client who had been suffering from pain due to his bulging disc in L4/L5. He had been seeing a chiropractor, a physio, for a few years, but there had not been significant improvement.  I started with loosening up his right back.  "My pain is on the left side," he said. "I know, but I need to do both sides so that your muscles pull evenly on your spine and it is beneficial for treating your bulging disc," I responded. I found his right back very tight, so I massaged to loosen it up.  "Click!" something inside seemed to have opened up, and I felt his right back freer. "Was there a click inside?" I asked. "Yes, there was!" He confirmed. Then I checked his left back to find it was a lot softer than the right side-- I believed that it was softer because it had been worked on; therefore, the muscles were

Falling For You

Falling For You I thought I was strong, After so many years of pain, My scars have become an armour, keeping me from loving again; I thought I was tough, Having been through all the rough, My heart has built up a shield, But babe,  your love slipped through And seemed never enough; Falling for you, O, babe  I'm falling for you, Drowning in your love, I can't breathe,  I can't breathe; I'm falling for you, O, babe,  I'm falling for you, So lost in your love, I'm so scared, I hesitate; I'm falling for you, O, babe, I'm falling for you,  Bathing in your love, I learned ease, I feel calm; Crazy for you, O, babe, I'm crazy for you,   Nurished in your love, I'm reborn, I'm reborn...   🍌❤🐵 2020

Treatment Story: Clearing Fear & Homesickness

Treatment Story: Clearing Fear & Homesickness Around 3 hrs ago a new client came in saying he was stressed. I felt he had a lot of fear feeling he wasn't able to do well, which he confirmed. I also felt he did not sleep much. He said he was stressed missing his family n partner in Melbourne, not able to sleep for a long time. After my treatment I asked him how much he felt sad missing his family n partner, he said, "Very little... actually not at all!" He felt so relaxed n claimed he had felt so much better n amazed. His face looked totally different after the treatment. I felt so happy which was reflected by the happiness from his heart that I was perceiving!☺ 21st June, 2019 4:41pm

A Poem: Love is the Key (II)

❤  Love is the Key  ❤      Love, is a beautiful thing That makes your heart sing, That makes you feel like a bird, flying High with joy, That makes your heart race, That puts a big smile on your face; Love is the warmth flowing  From someone's heart That warms up your cold feet  All the way up to your top of head  And makes your cheeks glow in pinky red; Love, is your lifebuoy-- Do you know, my boy--  That supports you and keeps you safe, While you swim in the rough sea-- I hope you can finally see; Love, in its true essence Is acceptance, Independence, Freedom, no prison, Willing to give for no return; Might sound strange, But definitely no exchange; Have you been truly loved? Or was your love stuffed? Heart wounded? Head confused? Hesitating, While navigating? Fear not, now you won't drown, Embrace my love, do not frown; Take my lifebuoy of love,  In the rough sea of life, together, We float,